Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lisa & Sally's Jealousy, Jeremy & Toni's Unwanted Test And Chelsea's Happiness

昨晚粉瘾发作,就近到东环的爱民分店,香飘飘,心里默默对“肥仔”说了句对不起,就窜进去了。场面有点小火暴,粉民虽然千姿百态,都统一挤在四人小白桌里共享美食。仍旧4元一碗,排了一会队就看到了那些迷人的红油酸笋、腐竹、木耳、生菜etc. 吃了第一口,就觉得头上有一个光环升起,浑身打颤。小白,我跟你讲,上海那家在柳州也混不了。


There ain't no cure
There ain't no cure
There ain't no cure
For luosi rice noodle...


Jeremy Breningstall said...

For English readers, here is the blog entry in auto-translate...

Last night powder addiction outbreak, nearby to eastern link's love people branch store, fragrant floating, right “overweight person” said at heart silently the sentence sorry, fled. The scene is a little small be exciting, although powder...

Ha ha! *)

Unknown said...

Oh my, I see why you asked me to take a look at your blog the other day. I'll go back and give you a hard and nice ass-kicking on the 22nd to revenge the seduction. The next thing I do is drag both you and Jeremy to he Fattie Luo Si Fen place...

Swim said...
